Markt Rimpar


General Information

General overview of work at the building authority:

The building authority can be divided into three main areas of responsibility, namely

- Planning
- Building regulations
- Building maintenance for public buildings and facilities

The "face" of the municipality is developed by means of spatial development planning and urban land-use planning.

In particular, the land use plan, which defines the "general direction", as well as individual development plans resulting from the land use plan, are prepared by the building authority - usually in collaboration with suitable urban planners and/or engineering firms - and presented to the decision-making body for a decision.

Of course, the building authority cannot decide on these plans at its own discretion; it is of course bound by existing legal regulations. In addition, it must work together with the higher authorities and public agencies and take their objections and suggestions into account in the corresponding planning.

The building department employees are also responsible for development planning with roads, their lighting, supply and disposal and, of course, the maintenance of the water and sewage system.

The Rimpar market is happy to provide you with a building application checklist to help you and make it easier and quicker to process your building application documents.                                                                                                                       

The complete building application documents must be submitted to the Rimpar market building office:
Rimpar market, Schloßberg 1, 97222 Rimpar

Current building application forms can be found at:

You can request cadastral extracts for building submission either from the market building office or here:
Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung – Produkte – ALKIS/Katasterauszüge – Bauvorlage (

All legally binding development plans of the market town of Rimpar can be found below

The statutes of the Rimpar market and other important information can be found at:
Markt Rimpar - Local law - Statutes

An exemption from approval can be applied for if the building project is located in the area of a valid development plan. For a permit exemption, the specifications of the development plan must be adhered to. All important information for an exemption procedure can be found here:

You can find out whether a development plan applies to your property by calling 09365 8067-300


The market town of Rimpar currently has the following development plans for Rimpar and the districts of Gramschatz and Maidbronn:

For further information please contact Herr Göbet.
To request an excerpt from one of the above-mentioned development plans, please send us an e-mail to

If traffic regulation measures are required during construction, you will find an application form at:                                                                           
If you have any questions, please contact Herrn Grömling under 09365 80 67 305.

The content of building regulation law is compliance with the planning law specified by the "planning", i.e. the office has to check whether the specific project conforms to the existing urban land-use planning for this area in individual cases.

In other words, it must be checked whether the individual project complies with the requirements of the respective valid development plan, in particular whether the development is given or whether the building project in the town center fits into the surroundings.

It should be noted here that the building authority sees itself as a mediator between those wishing to build and decision-makers, and not as a "building prevention office".

All public buildings and facilities owned by the Rimpar market are maintained by the building authority.

These public buildings and facilities include the Gramschatz community center, daycare facilities, fire stations, water supply and sewage systems, sports halls and sports facilities, playgrounds and soccer fields, roads and sidewalks as well as parking lots and schools in all parts of the municipality.

Questions from the field

As a result of the 2008 amendment to the Bavarian Building Code, simple structures in particular can now be exempt from procedures.

Freedom of procedure means that there is no application procedure and no examination of public law regulations by the authorities; the building owner or his planner is solely responsible for the examination and admissibility

To clarify the individual case as to whether there is a requirement for approval or exemption from the procedure, or whether a project can be started by means of an approval exemption procedure (only if a legally valid development plan exists), it is recommended that you consult the building department.

Our employees will be happy to provide you with personal advice.

Opening hours of the town hall:

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 12:00
Wednesday 16:00 to 18:00

We are also happy to arrange a consultation outside these opening hours.

Official site plans, which you need to submit a building application, can be obtained from the municipal administration (building department)

Phone 09365 8067-301 or 09365 8067-302

as well as at the Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying, Würzburg, Weißenburgstraße 10, 97082 Würzburg,

Phone 0931 3906-0

We recommend that you enquire in advance by telephone about the arrangements for payment and collection of the site plan.

The building authority can provide you with information (also by telephone) on the question of whether your property is even within the scope of a valid development plan if you provide them with the parcel number of your property.

It is more difficult to find out the entire stipulations of a development plan, which are often very extensive, in this way.

In this case, it is advisable to contact the building authority and obtain an extract from the relevant development plan. It is also possible to obtain a copy of the relevant development plan from the Rimpar market building office for a fee.

You can call up the dates of the building committee and the market town council at any time on the following page of our website:

As a general rule, neighbors must be involved in the planning permission process.

If neighboring signatures are missing when the building application is submitted to the municipality, the municipality can - at the request of the building owner - notify the neighbor and set him a deadline for his comments, provided that the neighbor has not already refused to sign in writing.

Land and real estate

Properties | Rimpar, Maidbronn and Gramschatz

Allocation of building plots of the Rimpar market

  • The Rimpar market currently has none plots of land available. Also not in the districts of Maidbronn and Gramschatz

Commercial sites | Rimpar, Maidbronn and Gramschatz

  • The Rimpar market currently has none commercial properties available. Also not in the districts of Maidbronn and Gramschatz


Chimney Sweeping Districts

Master Chimney Sweep Adrian Bauer
Würzburger Str. 41
97204 Höchberg
Phone: --
Fax: -
Mobile: 01520 9604442

  • Adolf-Wagenbrenner-Straße
  • Am Fuchszagel
  • Am Scheuerberg
  • Blumenstraße
  • Büttnergasse
  • Engelbert-Kraus-Straße
  • Frankenstraße
  • Franz-Bötsch-Straße
  • Gotenstraße
  • Jägerstraße
  • Julius-Bausenwein-Straße
  • Keltenstraße
  • Kettelerstraße
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Straße
  • Kurt-Schumacher-Straße
  • Maidbronner Straße
  • Mühlwiesenweg
  • Neubaustraße
  • Neue Siedlung
  • Niederhoferstraße
  • M a i d b r o n n

Noe Reinhold
Riemenschneider Str. 8
97291 Thüngersheim
Phone: 09364 811000
Fax: 09364 811001
Mobile: -

  • Alfons-Arnold-Straße
  • Alte Würzburger Straße
  • (Megal, Ruhrgas)
  • Am Dreschplatz
  • Am Glockenstrang
  • Am Hohlen Weg
  • Am Holzweg
  • Am Liedlein
  • Am Lohenweinberg
  • Am Schleifweg
  • Am Trieb
  • Am Zehentstüblein
  • Am Wolfsbild
  • Andreasstraße
  • Aussiedlerhöfe
  • Austraße
  • Bachgasse
  • Berggasse
  • Berliner Platz
  • Bischof-Schmitt-Straße
  • Bonhoefferstraße
  • Breslauer Straße
  • Brunnenstraße
  • Burggrumbacher Straße
  • Burgstraße
  • Chemnitzer Straße
  • Danziger Straße
  • Delpstraße
  • Donat-Grömling-Straße
  • Fitzengasse
  • Friedrich-Ebert-Straße
  • Frühlingstraße
  • Gadheimer Weg
  • Gartenstraße
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße
  • Goerdelerstraße
  • Günterslebener Straße
  • Hans-Böckler-Straße
  • Herrngasse
  • Hofstraße
  • Josef-Heeger-Straße
  • Julius-Echter-Straße
  • Kaspar-Schnetter-Straße
  • Kirchenstraße
  • Klingenstraße
  • Königsberger Straße
  • Landtafelweg
  • Lerchenweg
  • Lömmelsgasse
  • Lohnstraße
  • Marktplatz
  • Marktstraße
  • Petryweg
  • Ringstraße
  • Rosengasse
  • Schäfereistraße
  • Schafhofstraße
  • Schloßberg
  • Sonnenweg
  • Stettiner Straße
  • Storchstraße
  • Strüthweg
  • Von-Galen-Straße
  • Von-Stauffenberg-Straße
  • Weidleinsgraben
  • Weidleinsweg
  • Weinbergstraße
  • Ziegeleistraße
  • Zur Veitsmühle

Herr Mario Böhm
Schweinfurter Str. 62
97727 Fuchsstadt
Phone: ---
Fax: - -
Mobile: 0151 558 73913

  • Gramschatz