Markt Rimpar

Social Pedagogue

Placing children and young people at the center of municipal efforts, strengthening families and expanding services for children and young people - these are fundamental goals of the Rimpar market.

Within the framework of these objectives, the activities of the social pedagogue, taking into account the local conditions of the market town with the three districts of Gramschatz, Maidbronn and Rimpar, consist primarily of community youth work. This includes, among other things, recording, coordinating, professionally supporting and conceptually developing community activities in the field of child and youth work in accordance with the provisions of Sections 11 to 13 of the German Child and Youth Welfare Act (SGB VIII) in conjunction with Article 30 of the Act on the Implementation of Social Laws (AGSG).

Since August 2004, Lutz Dieter has been the social pedagogue for community youth work in the market town of Rimpar, and his duties are set out in his job description:

– Youth Centers: Gramschatz and Rimpar - support and advice for volunteer "board members" and own opening hours with open offers

– Hut Village: Project management

– Vacation offers

- Outreach work for children and young people - talking to young people at their meeting points, tackling their issues together with them, making their voices heard in the market town, but also addressing the negative effects of their actions and activities

- Project work: e.g. bike park, bike trail, soccer ground, graffiti wall, barbecue area, etc.

Networking with local clubs and associations (Kijurim, Wasserwacht, etc.), networking with other social pedagogues, especially in the district of Würzburg, cooperation with authorities such as the district office and police, and much more.

Dieter Lutz