Day Nursery Rimparer Strolche


Neue Siedlung 1A
97222 Rimpar

Phone: 09365 8067-540
Fax: 09365 8067-549

An Schultagen

Montag – Freitag                        11:00 – 17:00 Uhr          Während der Hausaufgabenzeit von 14:30 – 16:00 Uhr ist eine kontinuierliche
Anwesenheit unsererseits bei den Kindern erforderlich. In dieser Zeit
werden keine Anrufe entgegengenommen und es können keine Kinder abgeholt werden.

An Ferientagen

 Montag – Freitag            07:30 – 16:30 UhrDie Ferienzeiten müssen separat gebucht werden.                                 

Der Hort ist grundsätzlich ganzjährig, sowohl während der Schulzeit als auch in der Ferienzeit von Montag bis Freitag geöffnet. Zusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Feiertagen und den Wochenenden hat der Kinderhort an maximal 30 Tagen im Jahr geschlossen.
The exact closing days are announced in the fall of each year for the following calendar year.

2025_Schließtage_KiHo Strolche

Our municipal after-school care center was founded in September 2004 and is located directly next to the Matthias Ehrenfried elementary school in Rimpar. The three after-school groups Bengelchen, Lauser and Schlawiner can currently care for up to 75 schoolchildren in grades 1 to 4.

The following rooms (some of which are also handicapped accessible) are available in the indoor area available:
- Three group rooms
- Three homework and dining rooms
- Workroom
– 2 Küchen
- Material room
- Hallway with wardrobes
- Storage rooms for book bags
- Washrooms with toilets
- Large foyer

Outdoor play areas

Somewhat hidden behind our nursery is a small green outdoor play area, which was beautified in October 2020. This playground offers first and second graders in particular the opportunity to play outside directly after school, as we are unable to use the playground during this time. Equipped with a climbing frame, a nest swing and a nice sandpit with sun protection
our little ones can let off steam there perfectly.
In bad weather, however, or if it has rained shortly beforehand, the better solution is the elementary school playground, as the asphalt surface dries much faster and the children can also use the various play facilities there, such as a climbing wall,
a balancing pole, a climbing frame and a table tennis table. Skipping ropes, ball games, badminton, frisbee and rubber toss are also available for the children.
We usually play soccer in the old Neue Siedlung gym on Friday afternoons. If the weather continues to be bad during the vacation weeks, we also like to use the gym to let off steam.

Our Educational goals:

According to the 8th German Social Code, every child has a right to education. Our after-school care center aims to fulfill this right in a special way. With our educational work, we give the children in our care the opportunity to experience themselves, discover their own abilities, recognize and accept their strengths and weaknesses. Our task includes the care, education and upbringing of the children entrusted to us:

  • With our work, we support the child's development into an independent and socially competent personality.
  • The services offered should be pedagogically and organizationally oriented to the needs of the children and their families.
  • The after-school care center sees itself as an institution that complements the family. Cooperation between the after-school care staff and parents is crucial here.

Tagesablauf (während der Schulzeit):

from 11:20 a.m. Arrival of the children at the after-school care center and "free play"
13:00 Lunch together
13:45 Playtime outdoors or in the group room in bad weather
from 14:30 Homework time
16:00 Free play time, craft activities or start of pick-up time
17:00 End of opening hours

Homework supervision:

Homework supervision is of central importance to us. First and foremost, we try to encourage the children to work independently. If difficulties arise, we support them and provide assistance. If possible, we check the homework and let the children correct mistakes themselves.
Homework supervision is not an individual support measure and is not to be understood as tutoring. The responsibility for the completeness and correctness of the homework lies with the child or the parents.

There is no homework supervision in the facility on Fridays.

Vacation care:

During the school vacations, we look after the children all day. After lunch together, we focus on leisure activities, for example:

  • Guest visits to the Rimpar kindergartens
  • Skittles
  • Museum visits, especially to the Rimpar museums
  • Walks around Rimpar
  • Boat trip from Würzburg to Veitshöchheim
  • Güntersleben water playground
  • Guided tours of the forest experience center in Gramschatz Forest
  • Trip to Sommerhausen Wildlife Park
  • Day trips, e.g. to Lego Land or Nuremberg Zoo

Ausführliche Informationen zu unserer pädagogischen Ausrichtung entnehmen Sie bitte der Konzeption:

Konzeption KiHo Strolche

Einen schnellen Einblick in unsere Arbeit gibt Ihnen der nachfolgende Flyer:

Flyer KiHo Strolche

Das Hortteam besteht aus:

  • Leitung: Frau Baumeister
  • Stellvertretende Leitung: Frau Pöschmann
  • Educators
  • Kinderpflegerinnen
  • ggfs. Berufspraktikanten in der pädagogischen Ausbildung

Der Kinderhort ist ein kostenpflichtiges Betreuungsangebot des Marktes Rimpar.

Die Höhe der Kosten ist abhängig vom Nutzungsumfang und kann in der jeweils gültigen Gebührensatzung eingesehen werden.

Gebührensatzung – Benutzung der Kindertageseinrichtungen (ab 01.01.2025)

Gebührensatzung Kindertageseinrichtungen

Die Vergabe der Hortplätze erfolgt zentral über den Markt Rimpar. Alle Informationen zur Anmeldung und zum Vergabeverfahren erhalten Sie hier:
Registration Daycare Centers