Markt Rimpar

Dear parents, We are delighted that you would like to have your child looked after in the market town. You can now register your childcare requirements for all daycare facilities in Rimpar and Maidbronn from the comfort of your own home via our citizen service portal. If you are interested in childcare in Gramschatz, please contact the local kindergarten directly. If you have any questions about registration, please call us on 09365 - 8067 204 or send an e-mail to

The registration period for the next kindergarten year is from 01.03. – 31.03. 

All children born between September and June of the following year must be registered during this period.

  • are to be newly admitted to a daycare center
  • are to move to a new area (change from crèche to kindergarten or change from kindergarten to after-school care)

Registrations for the new daycare year that are submitted before the start of the registration period will not be considered!
We do not accept new children in July and August. Therefore, please do not register your children for these months.

Please note:
If you need a place in a daycare center before the next daycare year, you can also use the daycare place registration form outside of the registration period. As all places are already taken for the current daycare year, there may be longer waiting times before we can accept your child.

Please proceed as follows to register your child for a childcare place:

Step 1: Set up Bayern ID
Set yourself up on the Bayernportal a personal mailbox, the so-called BayernID. We recommend registering via the option "Username&Password". All feedback on childcare place registration and allocation will be sent to you via this mailbox.
You will need the access data to submit the registration for your child in the next step.

Step 2: Open daycare place requirement registration
Open the Citizen Service Portal of the market town of Rimpar and log in with your BayernID (top right).
You are now on the start page of the childcare place application and will be guided through the application process step by step.
Please use only the "next" and "back" fields at the bottom of the page to "scroll" through the pages.

Step 3: Data protection and general information
Please read the general questions and answers (FAQ) thorough and confirm them together with the privacy policy.
You will then be taken to the overview page of all municipal daycare facilities in Rimpar. If you have not yet found out about the individual facilities, you can view a brief summary of the facilities by clicking on the info symbol on the right-hand side of the page.

Step 4: Selecting the facilities
Select all the childcare facilities that are suitable for you and your family and click on the "Accept selection" field at the bottom of the page. In the next step, you can then prioritize the selected facilities.
Please note that you must register your child for at least two facilities, as we cannot always guarantee allocation to your first priority.

Step 5: Prioritize the facilities
Your selected preferred facilities are now on the watch list. You can change the priorities using the blue arrows on the right-hand side of the page. Please make sure you prioritize correctly, as we will try to fulfill your wishes. There is no automatic allocation to the facilities according to proximity of residence!
As soon as you are satisfied with your prioritization, click on the "Go to requirements registration" field at the bottom of the page.

Step 6: Entering personal data
Please enter your personal data and make sure you fill in all relevant fields carefully. Subsequent changes are no longer possible. When allocating daycare places according to the criteria set out in the statutes, we can only take into account the information you provide us with when registering. Please try to estimate the amount of childcare as realistically as possible. A change to the booking times after allocation of the daycare place is then only possible within the opening hours of the allocated facility and group.
Before the final submission of your registration, a summary of your data will be displayed.
If all data has been entered correctly, please confirm the declarations of consent at the bottom of the page and click on the "Send" button.

Step 7: Sit back and wait
Thank you for your registration! You will now receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via your BayernID account.
As soon as the daycare places have been allocated, you will receive an acceptance or rejection for the requested daycare place in the same way.

If you do not have PC Internet access, you can alternatively log in via your cell phone browser and BayernPortal or optionally download the BayernApp on your cell phone, for iOS and Android:

If you have neither PC access nor a cell phone, please come to the town hall (room 204) during the registration period to register.

01.03.2024 – 31.03.2024Registration period for the 2024/2025 childcare year
01.04.2024 – 30.04.2024Allocation of free daycare places to the registered children in accordance with the statute criteria
01.05.2024 – 15.05.2024Notification of parents about the allocation of the daycare place.
You then have 14 days to accept or decline the daycare place offered.