Our website for all citizens, guests and friends of our market town.
On behalf of the market town of Rimpar, I would like to welcome you to the Internet and thank you for your interest.
Bernhard Weidner
1st Mayor
On https://www.rimpar.de/projekte/ we inform citizens about the major construction projects currently underway in the market town of Rimpar. Each project is briefly described in a "profile". There is also information about the implementation and the project partners, the status, the costs and the subsidies. Further information and links, some with videos, are also provided. Construction progress is documented at regular intervals in the form of a construction diary with a short text on the current status and photos.
In this way, we want to give citizens the opportunity to find out about the various construction activities in their town if they so wish.
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Der Markt Rimpar sucht einen neuen Pächter für die Schlossgaststätte. Das in der Ortsmitte von Rimpar gelegene, ortsbildprägende Schloss Grumbach (14. Jahrhundert) beherbergt im Erdgeschoss die Schlossgaststätte. Eigentümer des Schlosses [...]
Markt Rimpar
Schloßberg 1
97222 Rimpar
Phone +49 9365 8067-0
Fax: +49 9365 8067-150
E-mail: rathaus@rimpar.de
Monday to Friday 08:00 to 12:00
Additionally Wednesday 16:00 to 18:00
By telephone you can reach us also on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
From 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and on Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
To avoid waiting times, you can also arrange appointments with our staff.
You can find the contact details of our employees here